Handbook for evaluating rehabilitation projects in rivers and streams
Woolsey S., Weber C., Gonser T., Hoehn E., Hostmann M., Junker B., Roulier C., Schweizer S., Tiegs S., Tockner K., Peter A.
Assessment is an important element of rehabilitation projects in rivers and streams. The systematic collection of data serves to monitor and assess the achievement of the goals formulated in the planning process. It also enables the discovery of deficiencies in the project conception, unexpected impacts of the intervention, and lasting deficiencies of the rehabilitated stretch of the river or stream. Lessons from both successful and less successful projects are of great significance for future projects. Up to now, project assessments have been the exception in Switzerland. As well as a lack of the necessary funding, time, and personnel, the lack of suitable instructions and guidelines have also been named as a reason for not performing an assessment. The "Handbook for evaluating rehabilitation projects in rivers and streams" will close this gap.